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About Me



Hello there! Thank you for visiting my page!



As an artist, a mom, and a wife to an extremely busy Kansas farmer, I wanted a way to both express my artistry and to be able to continue having the time to care for myself and my little family. 


I earned my Bachelors degree in Fine Arts at The University of Kansas and I love creating anything and everything. I am skilled in drawing, painting, photography, ceramics, woodwork, among many other things. But I have always loved baking, and can trace this love all the way back to when I was little and my Grandmother let me help her bake cookies in her kitchen.


I discovered the incredible creativity involved in decorated sugar cookies while working as a barista several years ago. I was asked to help decorate the cookies for the coffee shop. No sooner than I began, I was so personally invested in it that I felt the need to use my own time to learn everything there is to know about cookie decorating. I'm so happy I am able to have my own little business now where I can make my own schedule and have all the creative time and freedom I want. 


 My sugar cookies give me a vessel to share my love of the arts in a new, fun, and delicious way! I love being able to play a small part in someone's celebration. And I love how tasty the cookies are too!

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